Mirror Mirror on the Wall


When I search for recipes or accommodations on line, I usually look at the ratings to see how many people reviewed it and what the score was out of five (with five of course, being the most desirable).  In Luke 18: 9-14 Jesus tells us a story about the Pharisee and the tax collector.  We […]

July 22, 2018

Fears and Failures


My pastor just finished preaching a sermon series on the story of Samson.  While there are many great teachings within the story, one in particular struck a chord of fear in me.  We all have human weaknesses and when we fall out of step with God’s plan for our lives, we fall into step with […]

July 16, 2018

Samson Moments


Could Samson’s life story teach us about the greater plans that God has that are loftier than the plans of our individual lives? Samson was entrusted with the position of a Judge specifically to deliver the Israelites from the rule of the Philistines.  We too have been entrusted with a purpose, a greater role to […]

July 10, 2018

Longing for The Light

Got Two Minutes? Thoughts to Ponder

I look at my tiger lilies and as you can see in my picture they are not straight, rather they bend to one side straining to get some sunlight. It makes me think of those of us who have placed our faith and trust in Christ and I wonder how many of us strain towards […]

July 7, 2018



Romans 15:28-29 “After I have completed this task” “I know that when I come to you I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ.” How did Paul know? How do we know, when to stay, when to move and what our next step is? Paul listened and was obedient to God, […]

July 3, 2018

A Reminder


Paul “…reminds them again…” Romans 15:15 Paul is writing to the Jewish Christians here who are “complete in knowledge” (Romans 15:14) – they have been taught how to live their lives as Christians, yet Paul “reminds them again”. I wonder if this passage is here to provide us with some comfort, that just like the […]

July 1, 2018