Creation – Dedicated to my Precious Zac

A Simple Study of Romans

Romans 1:18-25 Modern science confirms the “case for God” from Microbiology to Cosmology, God is evidenced in the broadest scale from a single-cell organism to the grandeur of the universe.  One need only observe the vastness of the universe.  Look no further than the images available to our eyes through modern technology.  I paraphrase an […]

February 16, 2018

Your Faith Statement

A Simple Study of Romans

Romans 1:1-17 Who do you say you are? Romans 1:1-4 Paul opens with the facts, plain and simple.  Who he is, what his faith is, Who his God is, the message of the gospel.  There is nothing subliminal in his message, nothing that can be construed and no subtlety in His statements.  Paul’s faith and […]

February 14, 2018